Chinchilla Mania
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Chinchilla Mania

Forum sur les chinchillas et autres rongeurs du Québec

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Alimentation pour chinchilla en convalescence

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Pot de bb
Citrouille en canne
I have read multiple threads where various forum members recommend using pure or organic canned pumpkin to supplemental syringe feedings such as ground up pellets, CC, EFL or a combination of any of those.

I am wondering if besides adding pallatibility to the syringe feeding, does the canned pumpkin have any specific benefits or drawbacks to it??? Is it just used to help the chin eat better because it adds flavor?

For example, vitamin benefits, does it help with either constipation or diarrhea? Are there any contraindications for using it?

If the animal is constipated (dehydrated) the fiber will pull water into the colon and prevent water from being absorbed to help move things along.

If the animal has diarrhea, the fiber helps bulk things up.

It's really the fiber that's the important thing, as the water is usually absorbed from the colon, unless there is something pulling the water back in. So you could use things other than canned pumpkin, green beans are the first thing that come to mind. But the pumpkin does have the added bonus of being able to be sucked up in a syringe.

It's a binding agent for when you have to hand feed your chin. If you just mix crushed pellets and water, it'll get stuck in a syringe easily and be very difficult to feed. A little pumpkin helps everything pass through more smoothly, both in the syringe and in the chinchilla's gut.

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