Chinchilla Mania
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Chinchilla Mania

Forum sur les chinchillas et autres rongeurs du Québec

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Congelation -- AF

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1Congelation -- AF  Empty Congelation -- AF Dim 5 Aoû - 21:11



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Old/expired pellets may lose their nutritional value over time, so do not buy too many pellets at one time. Store pellets in a cool, dry place to keep them fresh. It is not recommended that you freeze your rabbit’s pellets to prolong shelf life because the introduction of moisture during the thawing process and fluctuating temperatures may be conducive to mold growth and subsequent formation of mycotoxins.

From a rodent nutritionist

said freezing will not prolong it's shelf life nor keep it fresher than just storing it in an airtight container out of heat.

The mill date on the bottom of the bag is what you need to go by for "expiration." Once it goes past that point, the food starts to lose it's nutritional value, but it doesn't suddenly lose it three seconds after the expiration date occurs, it's a gradual lessening.

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